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75 People Injured in a Motor Vehicle Collision involving two Busses on N2


A serious collision occurred this morning on the N2 highway under the Jan Smuts Bridge. It’s unclear as to how the collision occurred, but it involved two Golden Arrow Busses. Allegedly the two busses were traveling in the dedicated bus lane when the one bus rear ended the stationary bus in front of it. There was a large amount of damage caused to the bus which collided with the stationary bus.

When ER24 paramedics arrived at the scene Metro ambulance services including local fire and rescue services were already hard at work treating the large amount of casualties. It took the EMS workers approximately 45 minutes to transport a total of 75 patients to various hospitals in the surrounding area. Fortunately for all the people involved in the collision, no one was seriously injured as most of the patients were treated for scrapes, cuts and bruises.

A large amount of school children were also involved in the accident. One of the on scene paramedics said that a student form the Collage of Cape Town was walking around the scene with tears in her eyes, asking if any body is able to give her a letter to hand to her principle seeing that she was going to be late for her exam.

Andre Visser


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