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‘Thief” Killed as he runs aways

A man broke down on the N3 highway near the Spaghetti Junction off ramp in the direction of Durban after he allegedly ran out of petrol. The man in his 40’s was then waiting for assistance at the side of the road when an unknown man approached him and allegedly tried to rob him.

The suspected thief, a man in his 30’s, is then believed to have run across the N3 to get away when an Opel Corsa was driving along that exact stretch of highway. The pedestrian was knocked approximately 10 meters and sustained extensive injuries. As ER24 paramedics arrived at the scene, they immediately assessed the man’s injuries but there was nothing more that could be done for him and he had already died at the scenedue to the severity of injuries that he had sustained.

The Corsa came to rest in the center median of the highway and the driver, a 47 year old man, had suffered what appeared to be serious injuries. He was treated on scene before being taken to Addington Hospital for further treatment.

Vanessa Jackson, ER24

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