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Netcare 911 stats for crashes and drownings attended to in December


Netcare 911 around the country has had their hands full contending with the number of calls and has responded to eighty three drownings and near drowning, 2580 motor vehicle accidents and 427 pedestrian accidents from the 1st of December.

Paramedics once again plea with the public to take caution and have the following advice :
Please slow down and increase your following distances.
Wear your seat belts at all times.
Keep your headlights on in low visibility.
Be aware of people walking along the roadway as they may run across the road at any time, especially children.

At the beach or swimming pools:
Please make sure your pools are closed with an S A B S approved net and is fenced off to prevent children accidently falling in.
Children should only swim with adult supervision.
At the beaches only swim at designated areas with life guard supervision.
Don’t consume alcohol when you are going to swim.

Chris Botha
Coastal Media Liaison

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