A fantastic effort from paramedics and members of the public resulted in the successful resuscitation of an eight – year – old drowning victim this morning in Bloemfontein. Exact detail to the cause of the drowning is still speculative and will remain a subject for police investigation and comment.
Netcare 911 advanced life support paramedics his team and another private service arrived at the scene and found first aiders doing CPR on the unresponsive child. Medics took over with advanced life support resuscitation and after the child was placed on a ventilator medics defibulated him.
A great joy was noticeable when the child’s heart started beating again, paramedics immobilised the child on a trauma board and then transported him to a hospital in Bloemfontein under the constant care of an advanced life support paramedic.
Medics would like to compliment the first aiders on a fantastic effort with the CPR while waiting for their arrival, and would advise members of the public to take CPR lessons as this is testimony that early effective CPR increases the chances of survival.
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