On Friday, 7 August 2015 at about 08:30, Vereeniging cluster had a Basadi operation with other law enforcement agencies that started with a parade at Vaal techno Rama addressed by the cluster commander Brigadier P.P Mokoena who encouraged members to be vigilant and perform their duties with dignity and pride.
The operation was conducted in Vereeniging CBD, targeting the sale of counterfeit goods, serving of warrants, trace wanted suspects, awareness campaign on driving safety hints, pedestrian safety, substance abuse and neighborhood watches.
The operation ended at about 13:00 with a parade at Vaal techno Rama the following successes, warrants amounting to R3600, fifty fingerprints and twenty licenses tested on the movable computer device, fifty tickets issued to the value of R19600, two vehicles impounded for traffic offenses, eighteen undocumented persons arrested, two hundred and fifty dvd’s seized.
Anyone who has information that can assist in exposing people involved in illegal activities, can report it anonymously at: Crime Stop Tip-off line 08600 10111 or SMS Crime Line 32211. Remember to mention who did what to whom, when, where, why and how.
Assist the Gauteng SAPS to fight fraud, corruption, unethical behaviour or any other suspicious activities that could be detrimental to our success by phoning the Gauteng Standby Provincial Duty numbers: Duty General 082 313 8299, Duty Brigadier 082 444 4354.