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Police and community praised for arrest of most wanted suspect in Ulundi

THE KWAZULU-NATAL MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison, Willies Mchunu, has welcomed the prompt action by police and community crime fighting structures whose cooperation led to the recent arrest of the most sought suspected serial rapist in Ulundi, northern KwaZulu-Natal.

This arrest, which brought a relief to the local community, came after jointefforts by the Department’s volunteers, Ulundi CPF and Ulundi police who worked together to ensure that the suspect was brought to book.

The suspect, who cannot be named until he pleads, was arrested last week (Friday 4 September 2015) after he had allegedly raped and terrorised women in the area.

The community, volunteers from the Department of Community and Safety and Liaison (DCSL) and Ulundi CPF had worked in unison to track the suspect and handed over information to the police, who subsequently arrested and charged the man.

He has since appeared in court, where hundreds of community members and safety structures came out in their numbers to oppose bail. The case was postponed to 15 September 2015 for a formal bail application.

Today (8 September 2015), Mchunu welcomed the arrest of the suspect, saying it showed in no uncertain way that members of the community and safety structures have a very important role in combating crime in the province.

“We will continue watching the case and we, once again, urge communities to go to court and oppose bail. The arrest of this suspect shows what can be achieved if the police, community safety structures and community work together.”

“We welcome this move, as a good example of what all communities can do to ensure that their places are free of crime and criminals. It is only through partnerships between police and communities that we can defeat criminals,” said Mchunu.

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