As part of the child protection week activities, the police together with various government departments in Denilton have embarked on a campaign as part of Child Protection Week under the theme “Children’s Rights Campaign” on Friday, 26 May 2017.
The event was held at Ndlovu Theatre and was attended by nine hundred and one (901) kids from thirty one (31) Early Childhood crèches in the area.
The Station Commander Colonel Laurence and VISPOL Commander Lieutenant Colonel Tshikonelo hosted the children. Teachers were praised and acknowledged for the role they play in the nurturing and moulding of children’s young and growing minds. They were made to realise that the future of the children is in their hands and that they as teachers are contributing to the academic and social development of children.
The kids rendered different items, and the message was all about children’s safety and some loudly requested the world to love and respect them.
They were further taught about their rights and to report to their teachers any unbecoming behavior such as abuse. #ChildProtectionWeek2017