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Community cautioned about cash in transit crime scenes in the North West

Police in the province would like to urge members of the community to be cautious and avoid trampling on cash in transit crime scenes as that endangers their lives.

It has been noted with concern that members of the community would immediately after the suspects had fled the scene, get closer to take pictures. In one of the incidents in September 2017 along the R510 road in Monakato near Rustenburg, members of the community helped themselves with cash that was spread all over the scene.

Contamination of such crime scenes is totally discouraged and unacceptable as that hampers the successful investigation. Bystanders are urged to avoid getting closer to cash in transit robbery crime scenes due to the likelihood of further explosion that may cause serious and life-threatening injuries.

Members of the community are requested not to tamper with crime scenes, but to preserve them for processing and to share with the police any information that may lead to the apprehension of the suspects by calling Crime Stop number 08600 10111.

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