The police in Tshilwavhusiku outside Makhado have launched a search operation for an elderly missing man, aged 71. Daniel Muremelwa of Ramahantsha Village was last seen on 19 September 2018 as alleged by his sister.
It is alleged that the victim’s sister left him at home when she went to a nearby shop. By the time she returned, the elderly man was nowhere to be found.
The victim’s height ranges around 1.6 metre tall, he is slender and dark in complexion. He was last seen wearing a black, and white stripped trouser, black boots, blue jacket with reflecting lines on both arms and a red cap.
Anyone with information that can assist in locating this elderly man should contact Lt. Col Moedi on 082 451 7163 or Crime Stop number on 08600 10 111 SMS Line 32211.
There is NO waiting period for Reporting a Missing Person!! @SAPoliceService #MissingPerson #ArriveAlive
— Arrive Alive (@_ArriveAlive) May 13, 2018