Rail Safety Week (RSW) is taking place in Australia and New Zealand this week – 12 to 18 August. We would love it if our international friends could help spread rail safety messages across the world by sharing our content.
As per usual, we’ll be campaigning for rail safety via our social media channels, so please like and share our posts via our Facebook Page and via Twitter @TrackSAFE. We also have a LinkedIn page which you are invited to follow. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #RSW2019
This year, TrackSAFE developed an online quiz for RSW for social sharing. The online quiz will test the public’s knowledge around ‘how rail-safe’ they are. The different organisations have contributed quiz questions based on the issues they are faced with. We will be promoting the quiz via social media next week so please jump online and help us share it – many of the key safety messages will roll over into your rail contexts overseas.
Other campaign materials such as web banners, posters etc can be downloaded off our website: https://tracksafefoundation.com.au/campaign-material
This year we have been working with 185 organisers from 96 different rail, police and government organisations from around Australia and New Zealand on RSW, (this is up from 136 organisers and 75 companies in 2018). The initiative keeps on getting bigger and bigger thanks to such high level support from rail industries across Australia and New Zealand, and around the world! So thank you for getting behind the cause helping to improve education and community awareness around rail safety.
Do you know what is a Level Crossing? Road Safety and Safe Driving at Rail Crossings/ Level Crossings https://t.co/3yar6prsNz @CapeTownTrains @PRASA_Group @Rail_Safety @ReliableTFR @DoTransport pic.twitter.com/Uyiw8nzsvt
— Arrive Alive (@_ArriveAlive) July 8, 2019