Amkelani Nhlanhla Thwala, a student based at Kwetlisong Centre in Phuthaditjhaba and studying through the University of the Free State (UFS) South Campus, was last seen on Friday 6 September 2019 in the Setsing area. He was allegedly on his way to Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. Amkelani was wearing grey Relay boots, black jeans, a whitish T-shirt, and was carrying a grey bag. He has been unreachable ever since.
The UFS is doing everything possible to trace Amkelani and is working closely with the South African Police Service and Amkelani’s family to establish his whereabouts.
If you have any information to assist with the search, please contact Warrant Officer Zulu on 076 589 8565 or the university’s Investigating Officer Sibongile Madlala on the Qwaqwa Campus at 058 718 5460/5175/5360.