LIMPOPO – The South African Police Service in Giyani have launched search operations to find the two missing persons, Nhlahla Hlungwani aged 25 from Thomo village and Mahlori Maluleke aged 25 from Maxavela village, who allegedly went missing on two separate incidents.
Nhlahla Hlungwani aged 25, was last seen on Friday, 14 August 2020. He did not inform anyone at his family about where he was going. Since then, he never returned back home. He is a student at Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria. He was wearing a blue trouser and brown Jacket at the time of his disappearance.
Meanwhile, Mahlori Maluleke aged 25, went missing on Sunday, 16 August 2020 at about 11h45. He allegedly informed his sister that he was going to fetch woods at the nearby bushes but since then, he never returned back home.
During his disappearance, he was wearing a White Shirt, blue jean and grey shoes. He is a student at Vaal University in the Gauteng Province.
The two incidents were reported to the Police who immediately activated search operations in and around the nearby areas, at friends and relatives with no success.
Anyone with information about the two missing persons may contact Detective Warrant Officer Maswanganyi on 082 565 6491 or the Crime stop number 0860010111 or the nearest Police Station.
Police investigations are still continuing.
Police investigate two cases of missing university students #MissingStudents @SAPoliceService
— Arrive Alive (@_ArriveAlive) August 21, 2020