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Centane Police search for several missing Persons

Help Centane SAPS find a missing elderly woman. It is reported that 84-year old Nosayinet Solinjani, from Mbuwana Locality, Mcothama Village, was last seen on 31 August 2020 visiting her relatives at Mkhwezweni Locality, Centane.

Centane Police are appealing to anyone who knows her whereabouts to contact the investigating officer Captain Mfundi Potwana on 082 441 9296.

Police are investigating case of a missing person. Reportedly, the 38-year-old woman named Nolubabalo Mpokwane was last seen on 05 December 2020 going to Centane Town to buy clothes for her children. She has since disappeared.

Centane Police are appealing to anyone who knows her whereabouts to contact the investigating officer Captain Mfundi Potwana on 082 441 9296.

Police are investigating a case of a missing person. It is alleged that a 57-year-old man named Tamtam William Jose was attending a traditional ceremony on 12 January 2021 during the night at Gaqa Locality, Nxaxo Village, Centane. He took his blanket and left during the night and was never seen again.

Centane Police are appealing to anyone who knows his whereabouts to contact the investigating officer Captain Mfundi Potwana on 082 441 9296.

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