Police are investigating a case of culpable homicide after a 59-year-old man died during a head-on collision between two vehicles in Arcadia, Humansdorp on Saturday. In another incident, police opened an inquest docket, after a blaze that broke out in one of the shacks claimed a life of a man in KwaNomzamo, Humansdorp on Sunday.
On Saturday, 24 April 2021 at about 20:40. It is alleged that the driver of a white Golf that was traveling on Jacob Street, Arcadia swerved to avoid hitting a horse and collided with an oncoming vehicle, a red Honda. The driver of a white Golf, Smith Witbooi (59) died while en-route to hospital. Other occupants and a driver of a second vehicle were treated at the nearest hospital. Police opened a case of culpable homicide for further investigation.
In another incident, on Sunday, 25 April 2021 around 04:30, police were alerted to a shack that caught fire in KwaNomzamo area, Humansdorp. The remains of the man were discovered under the debris. An inquest docket was opened for investigation. The name of the deceased would be released after a formal identification was completed.