The Western Cape SAPS management welcomes the sentencing of three accused by the Cape Town Regional Court on Friday for the attempted murder of Cape Town defence attorney, William Booth.
The SAPS management further commended both the detection and prosecution teams for the meticulous work that resulted in the conviction and subsequent sentencing.
Western Cape Acting Provincial Commissioner, Major General Thembisile the sentencing will go a long way in restoring trust in the criminal justice system. He applauded the investigating officer Colonel Eddie Clark for a thorough investigation.
The accused pleaded guilty as per Section 105A with agreement between complainant, DPP and defence Advocate.
1. POCA Gang-related association, 2. Conspiracy to commit Murder, 3. Attempted Murder 4. Possession of unlicensed firearm 5. Possession of ammunition
Accused 1 Kauthar Brown aged 36:
Guilty on charge 1-3:
5 years imprisonment suspended for 5 years, 5 years imprisonment suspended for 5 years , 3 years Correctional Supervision
Accused 2 Ebrahim Deare aged 37: Guilty charges 1,2,3,4 and 5
Sentenced to 5 years direct imprisonment, 5 years direct imprisonment, 15 years imprisonment, 6 years imprisonment, 3 years imprisonment
Counts 1, 2, 4 and 5 to run concurrently with Charge 3
Accused 3 Riyaad Gesant aged 33:
Sentenced to 5 years direct imprisonment, 5 years direct imprisonment, 8 years direct imprisonment and 3 years imprisonment suspended.