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Eastern Cape releases the 2020/2021 4th quarter crime statistics

The MEC for Community Safety, Mrs. Weziwe Tikana-Gxothiwe, and Eastern Cape Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Liziwe Ntshinga released the Eastern Cape 4th Quarter crime statistics 2020/2021 on Monday, 24 May 2021 at Chris Hani Council Chambers in Komani.

The release was attended by the Premier of the Eastern Cape, Mr. Oscar Mabuyane, Members of the Executive Council, SAPS Management, and Brigadier NH Seimela from the Office of the National Crime Registrar. The statistics were a reflection of the crimes that occurred from the 1st of January to the end of March 2021, a time when the country was under Lockdown Level 3 and Adjusted Level 1 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Delivering a welcoming address MEC Tikana-Gxothiwe indicated that the quarter in question was one of the toughest periods for policing and this was made even more challenging by the Covid-19 regulations.

It was during this quarter that the country saw some easing of the Covid -19 Restrictions, particularly on leisure activities after some strict restrictions just before the NEW YEAR. It was during the same quarter that the ban on the sale of alcohol was lifted. Let us be mindful of the challenges we were faced with during this quarter in question. Let us take in the presentation fully aware that even where numbers do not quite tell us what we want to hear, we will not despair. Dare we do that, we would have failed the masses of our people, who are looking to the services of the Department of Community Safety and the Police as their first and last line of defense,” she added.

Addressing the briefing, Lieutenant General Liziwe Ntshinga acknowledged the presence of the Premier as “a clear indication and a statement to all of us that we have a leadership to account to. Gone are the days where the police would wield authority without being questioned.” she said.

The Provincial Commissioner highlighted the rate at which Gender-Based Violence is distressing communities and the stubbornness of Stock theft-related crimes that have prompted police to embark on massive operational deployments such as in Bityi area.” The Premier and his executive were assured that a Provincial Intervention Plan was finalised in order to embark on large-scale operations that will frustrate and eradicate the criminal network operating in our urban and rural communities.

Premier Mabuyane applauded the MEC for Community Safety for the name change of her Department from Transport, Safety and Liaison to Department of Community Safety. He also acknowledged the work of the law enforcement agencies. However, he raised concerns about certain crime categories which posed a threat to society especially Women and Children. Murder, Stock theft, and Sexual Crimes were among the categories the Premier directed to be prioritized by the SAPS.

“We have a task in our hands to fight crime and justice systems must be seen working for victims of crime which include children, elderly citizens cast a bad light on us as fellow citizens, it’s important that we are able to deal with this issue decisively. We have done this in Matatiele as we have reduced the number of stock theft, therefore as we continue to work together, preventative measures must be put in place in order to deal with the situation in Lusikisiki, as rape comes with lifetime scars.” the Premier emphasised.

Premier added that crime is no longer an issue of SAPS alone, but a societal problem, and all relevant parties in the Justice, Crime Prevention, and Security Cluster must all play a role in easing the fears of the society.

The presentation is attached for comprehensive statistics.

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