The MasterDrive Youth Driver Programme was launched this weekend to great acclaim. The participants were eager to learn about the vehicles they have recently been licensed to drive to increase their competent, safe and the best drivers they can be.
The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, says it was encouraging to see young drivers to be upskilled with basics that every driver should know. “It was interesting to see that many of the drivers were unaware of some of the basics and it proved the importance of the course in equipping new drivers for the road.
“The brake distance control exercise gave the participants a real-life demonstration in a controlled environment of
exactly how long it can to come to a stop should a person or animal run in front of your vehicle. The participants were also able to experience it for themselves so that they could see first-hand how speed and full attention on the road can make a major difference,” says Herbert.
Shamir Schloss, the co-facilitator of the programme, says they were both grateful and excited about the launch of the MYDP on Saturday. “Grateful that we managed to launch the programme with the challenges that COVID-19 brought upon us and excited that we had such an enthusiastic and interactive group of participants.
“Ian, the lead facilitator, kept the audience engaged throughout the session with valuable insight and information. Discussions about vehicle tyres and seating positions were eye-openers, with many saying they are planning to immediately implement the tips to enhance the safety of all in the vehicle. The practical training was a huge hit, particularly the brake distance demonstration and how to brake in emergency situations. Again, valuable driving lessons were taken home.”
Under the bonnet instruction
The launch programme provided some valuable feedback. “We will use this to make the programme even better. Saturday demonstrated that there is a definite need for such a programme and we look forward to making a difference to the safety of our younger drivers,” says Schloss.
We encourage any parents or new drivers of any age to undertake a MYDP course. “It fills the gap that is left by the K53, creating competent and safe drivers on our roads,” says Herbert.