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SAPS Giyani hand reflector jackets to Community Policing Forum members

The Station Commander of Giyani SAPS Brigadier Serakwana, had on Friday, 1 October 2021 handed 40 reflector jackets to members of the Community Policing Forum (CPF) from various branches within Giyani policing area, in an event held at the police station.

The Station Commander of Giyani was supported by Mr Maake from the Department of Safety and Security and Mr Shimange Chairperson of CPF in Giyani.

The Police Station received these forty reflector jackets from the Limpopo Department of Safety and Security.

During the event, Brigadier Serakwana, outlined the purpose of partnership policing in the SAPS. He also said that “The donation forms part of the police’ initiative of fighting crime together and the reflectors will make it easy to identify the CPF members when they do patrols. He further encouraged the CPF to work together, and abide to the laws at all times.

Mr Shimange express his appreciation for the reflector jackets and also the donation of bicycles for patrols during March 2021.

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