The Police in Magatle have launched a search operation to locate a 74-year-old-man, Mokhatshana Maluleke residing at GaMolapo Village, who went missing on 08 November 2021.
He allegedly left home at about 08:30 in the morning, without informing his family where he was going and has since disappeared
He was last seen wearing a sky blue long sleeve shirt, navy blue trousers, and white and blue Tekkies. He is tall and dark in complexion.
Police tried to locate him at friends, relatives, and nearby villages with no success.
Anyone with information that can assist to find the elderly man is requested to contact the investigating officer, Warrant Officer Mathamela on 072 889 1636/082 445 9614 or crime stop number 0860010111or the nearest police station or MySAPSApp.
Police investigation continues.