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Be cautious of the reckless and aggressive drivers this holiday!

Drivers planning long-distance trips to holiday destinations or family members, may encounter other drivers that are reckless or just drive in a manner that not only puts them but you in a precarious position as well. Consequently, safe driving during the festive season not only depends on your own knowledge of responsible driving but also on knowing how to handle other reckless drivers. 

The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, says the ultimate rule when it comes to reckless drivers is to put as much distance between yourself and them as possible. “While it might be incredibly frustrating to encounter a driver who puts you at risk, the best policy is to ignore the surge of frustration and allow the driver to move around you quickly and with as little risk to you as possible.

There are some common scenarios in which you may encounter this:

In addition to being wary of reckless drivers make sure that you yourself do not become one. “If someone doesn’t let you pass immediately, it is possible they see something you don’t. Give the cues of other drivers some consideration rather than push them. In general, avoid pressurising drivers to do things they are clearly not comfortable with. Rather pass without requiring anything from them or wait until they are comfortable.

“If in wet weather, all drivers around you slow down, do the same as well. Your speed should be based on the conditions and the vehicles around you rather than the posted speed limit. Posted speed limits are the maximum and not the speed that you must go. As we head into the festive season, be aware of drivers around you that could be dangerous but courteous yourself as well,” says Herbert.

Look out for next week’s part two, specifically for truck drivers

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