The Police in Lebowakgomo has launched a search operation for a missing man Sethole Katlego Albert aged 24, residing at Lebowakgomo Caravan Park unit A.
Reportedly, the victim was last seen by his elder brother on Friday, 17 February 2023 at about 20:00 while at home. He left without informing him.
He is mentally challenged. He is dark in complexion and slender in build. He was wearing long black trousers with white stripes, long sleeve dark green t-shirt.
He was also wearing dark sunglasses and a black cap.
Search conducted from relatives and places he frequently visited without any success.
Anyone with information about his whereabouts may contact Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Baloyi on 082 565 8234 or the crime stop number 0860010111 or the nearest Police Station or MySAPS App.
The Police investigations are still ongoing.