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Lethembe Care Project Visit To AFB Langebaanweg

In the delicate process of rehabilitating children, instilling discipline is a cornerstone for long-term success. On 09 March 2024, 20 Children, young as 10 years involved in substance abuse from Lethembe Care Projects visited Air Force Base Langebaanweg in the hope to instil some discipline, some restored hope and invoke positive change to the visiting group.

Lethemba Care Projects is a community organisation dedicated to empower and restore hope to individuals in disadvantaged communities around the West Coast, it has four pillars including personal restoration. They address Gender Based Violence and substance abuse among others, while they run a soup kitchen that seeks to alleviate poverty in the communities. Their Youth Development- programmes seek to empower the youth and addresses the self-development component and assists in job seeking opportunities.

The organisation was established last year 28 April 2023 by Geraldo Pieters, who identified a need in the community, he was also inspired by the holy spirit while he, himself was going through a difficult time, the project is operated by dedicated volunteers from Vredenburg and Langebaanweg who share a common vision. Additionally, it is officially registered with the Department of Social Development.

The visit commenced and Warrant Officer 2 William Blaauw reiterated the importance of self-awareness, respect and establishing a strong foundation in one’s life. He concluded with a heartfelt prayer over the children. The second part of the visit featured a presentation by the Military Police, led by Lieutenant E.M. Booysen about fingerprints and discussed the consequences of negative behaviour, emphasizing why the children should strive to remain of the right side of the law. The children also had a military drill session with the avid instructor Warrant Officer 1 Lesley Maarman.

While the children were engaged in presentations and military drill, the fire section eagerly waited for the group with a fun filled programme that included lifelong lessons of how to not cause unnecessary fires and how to douse them.

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