The 8-year-old girl, Mpho Kapotsa, known as “Bokamoso,” was reported missing by her mother at Bloemspruit police station after she did not arrive home in Khayelisha.
On 13 May 2024, her 28-year-old distraught mother going to school last saw the child. Further investigations revealed that she was allegedly last seen walking home after school, but she never arrived at home and her family is worried about her.
The Grade 2 little girl staying in the Khayelisha informal settlement has short hair and was last seen wearing a navy blue tracksuit and a sky blue shirt, as shown in the attached photo.
Anyone who might know where the little girl might be is requested to contact Detective Warrant Officer Lydia Seale on 071 331 8880, call the police crimeline at 08600 10111, or drop an anonymous tip off on MySaps App.