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The rehabilitation and reconstruction of the N2 at the Belstone and Breidbach intersections with an estimated value of R438m is as good as done now

The rehabilitation and reconstruction of the N2 at the Belstone and Breidbach intersections with an estimated value of R438m is as good as done now.

Construction commenced on 14 September 2021. The scope of the upgrades includes the construction of new interchanges at the Belstone and Breidbach intersections, which includes reinforced concrete structures with the necessary road works.

This contract includes construction of a new pedestrian underpass at the Belstone interchange, construction of a new traffic circle at the corner of MR0690 and MR0688, construction of a new lane, lane widening, road repairs, new surfacing and upgrading of the stormwater infrastructure along MR0688. Pedestrian, taxi and bus facilities along the route will be formalised.

Furthermore, two community development projects are being implemented alongside this project. These are the upgrading of community roads at the Tshatshu and KwaRhayi villages as well as the upgrading from gravel to surfaced, the road from the Steve Biko Gravesite to Ginsburg Township.

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