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Mi7’s Rapid Response stops home invasion in Mount Michael

Mi7 Strategic Threat Response Unit teams caught a robber in the act, holding an elderly Armed Response client hostage in her own home. Luckily, due to their intervention, the client was not harmed and all stolen items recovered.
It started when the Mi7 Control Room received an alarm activation from the premises of a Mount Michael client at around 8am. The outdoor motion detection beam had been tripped. Mi7 Reaction Officers were quick to arrive, and conducted a full check of the property. Everything appeared in order, with no signs of entry – confirmed by the client.

Unbeknownst to them, there was an intruder. It is believed the suspect entered the yard, and when the alarm activation occurred, fled the scene, hiding out in nearby bushes. The suspect allegedly kept an eye on the premises from afar, waiting for Mi7 Reaction Officers to leave.

About two hours later, the suspect came back. It is believed he entered through a window and held up the 90-year-old woman who was alone at her home. However, while he was gaining entry, the client managed to activate her panic system.

Mi7 Reaction Officers arrived moments later. They found the window ajar and upon further investigation, discovered the suspect inside the premises. They confronted him, but he had a steel bar held against the woman’s head, daring the Reaction Officer’s to shoot.

In the meanwhile, additional units, including the Mi7 K9 team, had been dispatched. They strategically blocked off all entry and exit points, placing themselves near doorways and out of the suspect’s sight as not to startle or aggravate him further.

The Reaction Officer dealing with the situation managed to back the suspect towards a doorway, and when he attempted to flee through it, was nabbed by Mi7 K9 unit members who he did not know were lying in wait. In his possession, teams found cash and jewellery stolen from the client.

The matter was handed over to the police for further investigation.

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