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Operation Shanela remains assertive with more boots on the ground and nets 407 criminals in the Northern Cape

Operation Shanela remains assertive with more boots on the ground for combatting contact crimes, drug dealing, GBVF and squeezing the space for criminals to operate.

The intensified police operations, which commenced on Monday, 22 July 2024 until Sunday, 28 July 2024 resulted in the apprehension and arrest of 407 suspects for an array of offences.

Numerous police actions and activities were executed during this period which included, vehicle check points (VCP’s), stop and searches, foot and vehicle patrols, compliance inspections, and tracing operations by detectives.

During the Vehicle Check points and roadblocks conducted across the province, 2621 vehicles and 5457 persons were stopped and searched.

Compliance inspections at second-hand dealers, firearm dealers, liquor premises, formal and informal businesses, mines as well as farms were conducted.

Numerous patrols were executed at shopping complexes, malls and in hotspots to intensify police visibility with 2661 normal and high visibility patrols executed.

Suspects were apprehended and arrested for crimes ranging from murder, attempted murder, robbery, assault, burglary, theft out of motor vehicle, malicious damage to property dealing and possession of drugs, dangerous weapons, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, illegal possession of firearm and ammunition, illegal dealing in liquor, illegal immigrants as well as Contravention of the Second Hands Goods Act.

Detectives in the five districts traced 219 daily wanted suspects, who have been evading the police while 178 persons were arrested for other serious crimes.

Police actions also resulted in the confiscation of large volumes of alcoholic beverages, drugs and numerous dangerous weapons at illegal shebeens, as well as livestock and suspected stolen property in hot spot crime areas.

Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola extended her gratitude and appreciation to the SAPS members, the community and all external role players and law enforcement agencies for their continued collaboration in the execution of disruptive actions in an effort to prevent and combat crime collectively.

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