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Robbers accost victims conducting morning prayer in Brindhaven

A 17-year-old female and her uncle were accosted by six armed suspects while conducting their morning prayer at their home on Crescent Place in Brindhaven – KZN.

Members of Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) were called out to the property at approximately 08:29 after neighbours reported shots being fired. Reaction Officers were immediately dispatched. On arrival, Reaction Officers were informed that the victims were confronted by the gunmen while at her prayer place in her yard. T

he robbers forced them into the house and demanded valuables. The suspects made off with a TV, computer, cellphones and a WI-FI router. One shot was fired while they fled to their getaway vehicle which was parked on the road.

CCVT footage shows the gang fleeing in a dark grey Toyota with registration NJ 87564 (video in comments).

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