DURBAN: Last night, Verulam detectives piloted an operation aimed at solving burglary cases in schools in the Verulam policing area. The operation generated positive results which led to the arrest of six males aged between 14 and 20. The suspects were charged for burglary in business premises. They appeared at the Verulam Magistrates’ Court this morning.
On 23 May 2020 at 10:20, it was discovered that a school in Cornubia was broken into. Cleaning materials including 66 bales of toilet paper were stolen. A case of burglary was opened at the Verulam police station for investigation. A team of detectives commenced their investigation which led to the arrest of youngsters. The suspects will be profiled to determine if they can be linked to similar cases in the area.
Some of the stolen items were recovered during the arrest. Four minors were remanded into the juvenile center until 29 May 2020 whereas the two men were remanded into custody until 6 August 2020. Further arrests are imminent as the investigations are continuing.