POLOKWANE – The Police in Hlanganani outside Giyani have launched a search operation for a missing man, Mikhacani Ben Khazamula Shirinda aged 70, from Nkuzani Village.
It is alleged that the missing man was left alone at his home on 11 June 2020 and when family members came back, they were surprised when he was nowhere to be found as he was very ill.
The Police were notified and the initial search operation was conducted in and around the area with no success.
The type of clothes he was wearing at the time of his disappearance are not known.
The search operation and investigations are still continuing.
Anyone with information that can assist the Police to locate this missing person, may contact Warrant Officer Maluleke on 076 393 3657 or the Crime Stop number 08600 10111 or the nearest police station.