Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to express my gratitude to the Deputy Minister of Transport for providing this critical overview of the State of Safety Report 2022/23. This report is indeed a reflection of the current state of our railway system, and it underscores the pressing need for concerted efforts to address the challenges we face.
The Deputy Minister has highlighted the stark reality that confronts the railway sector us. The statistics presented in the report are not just numbers; they represent the safety and well-being of our fellow South Africans who rely on our railways for their daily commute and the transportation of goods. They also speak to the state and wellbeing of our railway infrastructure. We cannot afford to ignore the issues at hand.
The safety of our railways is of paramount importance, and it is a responsibility we take very seriously at as the Railway Safety Regulator (RSR). We acknowledge the gravity of the situation and are committed to addressing these challenges head-on. We understand that safety permits issuance, inspections, audits, and the development of regulations and safety standards are crucial steps, and we will continue to work tirelessly in these areas to ensure the highest level of safety possible.
The Deputy Minister rightly emphasized the need for collaboration. Our railways are a complex and interconnected network that requires the combined efforts of all stakeholders drive the reforms necessary to ensure the safety, reliability, and prosperity of our railways.
I want to assure the public that we are fully aware of the challenges facing the railway sector, and we are committed to making tangible improvements. We will be working closely with railway operators and relevant authorities to enhance safety measures, improve infrastructure, and contribute towards solutions to deter theft and vandalism. We also understand the importance of proactive safety measures at intersections, stations, and platform-train interchanges.
We must not underestimate the significance of the incidents mentioned in the report, whether they involve collisions, derailments, level crossing occurrences, or people struck by trains. These incidents are a call to action, and we must respond with urgency and diligence.
In closing, I want to emphasize that the State of Safety Report is not just a document; it is a roadmap for the future of our railways. We, as the Railway Safety Regulator, are fully committed to working with all stakeholders to ensure the safety, efficiency, and reliability of our railways. The journey ahead is challenging, but together, we can overcome these obstacles and pave the way for a brighter and safer future for South Africa’s railway system.
Thank you for your attention, and together, let’s ensure the safety of our railways and the prosperity of our nation.
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Opening remarks by Deputy Transport Minister on the Release of the State of Safety Report #ArriveAlive #RailSafety @Dotransport @Rail_Safety
– Arrive Alive (@_ArriveAlive) October 26, 2023
Deputy Minister of Transport, Honorable Lisa Mangcu, Releases the 2022/23 State of Safety Report #ArriveAlive #RailSafety @Dotransport @Rail_Safety
– Arrive Alive (@_ArriveAlive) October 26, 2023