Senwabarwana police have arrested a 38-year-old woman after she allegedly fatally struck her uncle with a stick at Ledubeng village, Senwabarwana policing area in the Capricorn district, on Tuesday 18 June 2024, at about 02:30.
The police received information about a murder in Ledubeng village. Upon arrival at the scene, they found the lifeless body of a man in a pool of blood with an open wound on his upper body.
Emergency medical service personnel were called to the scene, and they certified the victim dead.
The deceased was identified as Solomon Mmaphuti Mokwele (69), residing at Ledubeng village.
A preliminary investigation revealed that the victim was staying with the suspect.
It is alleged that on Monday 17 June 2024, the victim and the suspect had an argument that evolved into a physical fight, wherein the suspect, who is believed to be mentally challenged, hit his uncle with a stick on his head until he collapsed, and he succumbed to his injuries.
The police only became aware of this ordeal on Tuesday morning, 18 June 2024, and they opened a murder case, and the suspect was immediately arrested.
The motive behind the incident is unknown at this stage however, it will be determined through ongoing police investigations.
The suspect will appear before Senwabarwana Magistrate’s Court in due course on a charge of murder.
The Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo, Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe, has condemned the incident and called upon families to get professional help when experiencing challenges
Police investigations continue.