On Friday, 19 July 2024, police in the JTG District conducted high-density operations under the command of the Deputy Provincial Commissioner for Policing, Major General Luntu Ngubelanga, the JTG District Commissioner, Major General Johnny Besnaar, together with Provincial Pro- Active Policing under the Command of Brigadier Irene Kopeledi and other officers and members from Provincial Components, the JTG District office, station commanders as well as the Department of Home Affairs and Traffic Department.
Disruptive actions included stop and searches, road blocks, visits to malls and shopping complexes.
Intelligence-driven information was followed up and executed.
During the execution of the operation, police arrested 53 undocumented persons and various premises were searched in Mahore Park, Bankhara/Bodulong.
During the actions a 62-year-old suspect was arrested for illegal liquor trading.
A premises was searched in Seoding Weg, where drugs with an estimated street value of R2 800,00 were confiscated, and resulted in the arrest of a 45-year-old foreign national for possession of drugs.
Compliance inspections were conducted at scrap yards and second-hand goods dealers where a 27-year-old man was fined R1500-00.
During the road block conducted on the N14, 187 vehicles and 329 persons were stopped and searched. Fines for various traffic violations amounting to R26 400,00 were issued.
On the R31 road, 85 vehicles and 53 persons were stopped and searched, and fines amounting to R5000,00 were issued.
16 daily wanted suspects were traced and arrested, and various dangerous weapons were confiscated.
The high-density operation will continue unabatedly in an attempt to squeeze the space for criminals to operate.
High-density operations executed in the JTG District https://t.co/KXtsF7hbYG#ArriveAlive #Operations @SAPoliceService pic.twitter.com/tqIH08j3hW
– Arrive Alive (@_ArriveAlive) July 21, 2024