A contract worker died on Friday after he was found in a dam at BHP Billiton’s Khutala Colliery in Mpumalanga, the company announced. Sifiso Mnisi, 28, was found wearing his life jacke... Read more
Two workers were injured at a construction site this afternoon in the Rosebank area. It is believed that the workers were working about 6 meters above ground level when the steel structure t... Read more
[Photo Netcare 911] Rescue workers have managed to free the body of a man trapped beneath thousands of kilograms of earth when the trench he was working collapsed at a Westville construction... Read more
[Photo Netcare 911] A construction worker was killed when the trench he was working in collapsed on him at the Westville site this afternoon. His body remains trapped beneath the soil with o... Read more
Three workers were injured, one critically in an industrial accident in Boksburg North this morning. A brick wall collapsed and landed on top of the workers pinning them to the ground. The... Read more